Saturday, June 12, 2021

Newest Pest: Slugs

We went almost 2 weeks without a good rain. Praise God! It finally rained! And then it rained a LOT. We had so many blessings! The water tower was now overflowing, our garden got ALL the water it needed and is thriving, but along with these positives, a new pest has emerged....Slugs....

These little teenie guys were first found on our Squash and Zucchini, but it was only maybe one every other day or so. No big deal. However, after all the rain we had, I found about 20 in the broccoli between about 6 plants. That is CRAZY! And who knows how many more were hiding and I just didn't see them. I picked them off the plants, but I am not sure that my pesticides will handle slugs.

What is your favorite Go-To to get rid of slugs? I need some ideas before they move to more plants!

Why is the Broccoli so popular????



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