Friday, June 11, 2021

Beauty in the Garden

Not only is our garden making food for us, but while we are trying to wait patiently for the fruits of our labor to be ready, in the meantime, enjoying the flowers and nature that is around the plants.

Who knew that potatoes produced such BEAUTIFUL flowers??? Our Yukon potatoes seem to have white flowers, and the Red potatoes seem to have a lavender color. They are so pretty! I almost wanted to pick some and bring them inside, because they are just such a neat bloom, but I decided against it since this is a good indication of the health of the potatoes. 

Yukon Potato Blossoms

Red Potato Blossoms

The strawberries have been so much fun, and my lavender has been amazing to watch grow. I have never had lavender get to the point where it blooms! We have some bees that seem to really like the lavender too. Slowly, we are trying to learn to not be afraid of the bees. I know that they are necessary. We need them to help with pollination so we are able to have fruits. But I tell you, as soon as those boogers fly in front of my face, I freak out every time. We will still keep them though.

He's a Happy Bee!

Kenz enjoying one of her fresh strawberries in front of our beautiful lavender.

Our first of many amphibious friends we have found.

Meet Mr. Tree Frog

We have found quite a few frogs around our home lately. Several tree frogs, who seem to REALLY like our broccoli, and a couple of toads here and there on the front porch. Guess they like to look at pretty plants too. 💖

We are all about catch and release (except cabbage worms and the butterflies they grow into). We catch a little critter and then take a closer look at it. We love using this as a teaching method for the kiddos. Also for us grown-ups too! Because how long has it been since you held a frog or watched how little animals interact with an active garden? It is really amazing to see how all of nature connects together. We leave the frogs in our garden so they eat the pests that eat the leaves and harm plants. We have discovered new beetles that we never knew existed. It's just a really neat thing to watch all the things we can learn about with having our little garden outside. 

~ Ginny ~

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